An open forum dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.
We ask our questions on the edge of what is known and unknown…
We reach into the ether and pull forth fruit.
A cosmic portal where the known dissolves into the unknown, and questions become keys to hidden doors.
The esoteric, the supernatural, hidden worlds… Midnight, On Earth is both a vessel for exploration and a tether back to the self.
This podcast will guide you to other realms and bring you back home.
A nexus of energy exchange with 'next level' guests and out-of-this-world topics.
We will venture outward, onward, and forward—into the beyond.
Midnight, On Earth will bring you the nourishment you need... it will fulfill your desire for a deeper level of information.
Metaphysics, aliens, quantum physics, conspiracies, angels, astral dimensions, magic, ancient mysteries, modern mysteries—everything under every sun and more, the bits between the bits…
We will be there.
With a microphone.